A Guide For Office Space Optimization

Tip #1: Downsize the furniture

The fastest way to optimize the space is by taking a critical view of how you have currently decorated your office space. Often there are large desks, storage units, and meeting tables taking up the space, but do you really need all this?

In today’s digital society, we can often make do with smaller desks and there is not the same need for storage units for ring binders and books. Instead, you can install common storage units and closets in the entrance where employees can store their laptops and get them in the morning and have access to books, ring binders, and manuals.

Tip #2: Share the space

Consider whether it is necessary for each employee to have a desk and a large computer screen. Perhaps, it is enough with 10 workstations for 14 employees if enough people work from home, at customers’ offices, or in other departments sometimes. Many companies have implemented this idea in their office with great success.

Tip #3: Create spaces within the room

Another idea is to create smaller rooms and oases in the open-plan space that can function as quiet zones or creative hubs. For instance, you can install sofas with high backrests that can shield from noise and visual interference or decorate with colorful pendants that target the light towards certain areas of the space and create room for creative thinking.

Finally, you can use small, sound absorbing rooms that create a meeting room in the middle of the office without bothering all employees. 

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